Hello Scorpion,
I've watched a few interviews on YouTube where Dave said Rust in Peace was written before Marty and Menza joined the band and the only exception would be Hangar 18. I was curious as to who wrote the parts Marty played in the album such as his solo in Tornado of Souls. Was it Dave or perhaps Chris Poland because I read he helped a little with demos?
Chris from Texas
Hey Chris,
There are so many moving parts to how a song comes together. A lyric here, a riff there...
A solo is just one piece of what makes a song, and would not be considered to be the sum of all parts. If you listen to the Rust In Peace demos, just like Dave would sing solos to Marty, some of the solos Dave sang to Chris are the same ones Marty played.
I guess what I'm saying is, recording parts and writing music is almost a living, breathing being, and everyone contributes pieces that are built upon, tweaked, and massaged into what you hear when you press 'Play'.
I hope that's as clear a mud...I wish I could sing solos...