Megadeth Vic Skull Chains Cyber Army

Scorpion Q+A 118


Hello ScorpioN!

Where can I get a pair of Megadeth logo picks to make my very own Megadeth earrings? Being as they are one of my favorite bands I would like to add them to my DIY jewelry collection. I've looked on Amazon but only one thing came up and it was a display with a bunch of picks and I just need the two since I have only two ears. I like the ones that Ellefson and Mustaine keep on their mike stands (green & yellow, respectively, from what I could see) but was not close enough to the stage to catch any. I assume the ones they use have the band name on them, but I suppose I could be wrong about this. Anyway, dude, I would greatly appreciate if you or any of your Mega cohorts could help me out with this. I don't expect to be the question of the week, I just want to make some earrings, dang it!


Jenni P. in K.C.



Hello Jenni, I will arrange to have a couple of Megadeth guitar picks sent out to you to make some earrings with! What a great idea! Merry Christmas and make sure to send us back a photo of them when they are done, ok?


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