Megadeth Vic Skull Chains Cyber Army

Scorpion Q+A 249


Hi Scorpion

I have a question for David. "The System Has Failed", "United Abominations" or "Endgame". Which album that was recorded during your absence in the band you think is best and why this one?


Michal from Poland



Hi Michal, I caught up with Mr. Ellefson this morning and this is what he told me after I put out your question to him.

"Actually, I like all of them for different reasons as I like certain songs on each of them, too. I'd say "Endgame" seems to be the most cohesive for me as it usually takes a band a couple of records to really start to gel together. Plus the production is really powerful on that album, too."

..and there ya have it! ;)


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