Megadeth Vic Skull Chains Cyber Army

Scorpion Q+A 87


DearesT ScorpioN,

I was wondering about Dialectic Chaos off the new ENDGAME album....

was it planned to do an instrumental, was it like like, lets just let chris destroy and wreak havoc on this one, i'm sure dave has the hampster in his head running overtime on the wheel as of late.

Both Dave and Chris are amazingly talented and experienced guitarists ..can we get the low down on ideas for dialectic chaos and is there any other instrumental songs and can we expect more?

always faithfully your droog,
Barry "yeagermeister" Yeager
Philadelphia, Pa



Hi Barry, the first track "Dialectic Chaos" from Megadeth's new album "Endgame" was intended to be an instrumental from the get-go. Both Dave and Chris solo on that song, so it is not just Chris destroying, unless you are suggesting Dave is not destroying too? ;)

There have been other instrumentals. "Into The Lungs Of Hell" from "SFSGSW", the bonus track "Absolution" from "Youthansia", the bonus track "Duke Nukem Theme" from the Japanese release of "Risk" (also on the "Duke Nukem: Music To Score By" soundtrack), and no word yet on what is planned for the future, but I'm sure Dave and Chris are cooking up some kick-ass guitar solos for the next Megadeth album!

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