Dear Scorp,
Hey I'm a huge Megadeth fan and eat up any and all info I can on the band and Dave inparticular. And I was wondering what Dave's political stance was and does he consider himself to be a liberal or does he have more conservative politcal views. There are many Megadeth songs that contain political themes and for the life of me I can't understand most of them, also are the themes in these songs an acurate representation of Dave's true political beliefs or do they just simply make for great songs.
Hope that makes sense
#1 Droogie
Hi Charlie! That is a good question and I went right to the source to find out your answer. This is what Dave Mustaine had to say when I asked him.
"Ah, I would say I'm kind of right in the middle.
Welcome to the club. :)
So the answer to that question is that my political stance varies from political campaign to election to lobbying to all the different parts of involvement in the political process. I usually vote for the lesser of two evil."