Yo Scorp;
How do you decide which questions to answer? I submitted a question on 9/20/04 and I have yet to get an answer. I asked about the new album and possible songs being played live, yet you answer questions about the PMRC. I think anyone who has been following MEGADETH since the beginning should know that answer. I know you get a lot of mail so I am not really complaining, I just feel a little slighted. I am including my original question from September.
Yours in deth,
I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that you said anyone who has been following Megadeth "since the beginning" should know the answer to the question about the PMRC. Luckily enough for the band, they not only have a veteran fan base, but they also have brand new fans that are thirsty for knowledge about their "new" favorite band. Not everyone is as knowledgeable as you about Megadeth, kind sir. It also irritates me that you feel "slighted" because I didn't answer your question. I pick general questions that get asked over and over and over by many people, or questions that tickle my fancy and are unique or different (but still relevant, intelligent, and legitimate). I reckon that if more than one person has a question, then it must be a popular subject. It states here that I will not be able to answer every question asked, so the fact that you feel slighted really isn't warranted mate. However, I will answer your question so you don't continue to pester me in the future.
Dear Scorp;
I can't stop listening to the new CD. It is Great. Dave gets better with age. My question is this: The last 5 or 6 times I have seen Megadeth they basically played the same set give or take, and never more than 2 or 3 of the songs from the current CD. Since this is quite possibly the best music Megadeth has ever made will they be playing the entire CD and adding in some hits along the way or can we expect the same as usual. I don't want to sound negative I love all the old stuff to, but I think hearing the whole new CD live would be an experience of a lifetime. By the way Scorpion is my favorite track.
yours in deth;
The set list is comprised of a myriad of songs from Megadeth's entire catalog, always has been, always will be. I honestly don't know of any bands that play every song off of their new album in concert, that would be rather bizarre really. If they played the entire new album live, and left out some of the old favorites some bloke wouldn't be happy. However you (and most likely you alone) would be. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't. You can expect the "same as usual" (as you refer to it) set list, plus or minus a new song mixed into the set. They might even pull an oldie but goodie out of their arses if they're so inclined.
Outside of me being a bit buggered by your emails, I CAN agree with you on one thing. I am pleased to hear that you like the CD so much, and you think it's the best they've ever done. It's one of my favorite albums too.