$MEGA is the official cryptocurrency of Megadeth and our community.By buying, holding, and transacting with $MEGA, fans will gain access to exclusives and premium benefits. Cyber Army members that also hold $MEGA will unlock additional exclusives, access, and offers.Premium and Digital CYBER ARMY members automatically get some free $MEGA. If you’re a Premium or Digital member, click the buttons below for details on how to get your free $MEGA.PREMIUM CYBER ARMY $MEGADIGITAL CYBER ARMY $MEGAFREE CYBER ARMY $MEGANot a Cyber Army member? Getting $MEGA is easy.First, create an account here. Once your account is created, search for $MEGA and it will take you to the official $MEGA coin page where you can purchase coins.It’s recommended you hold at least 10 $MEGA to get access to exclusive content, special tour access, Q+A’s, hangouts with the band, and special items.We have some special things coming up soon for $MEGA holders.