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Scorpion Q+A 175


Hey Scorps,

Got a question for the lord and saviour for all metal bass players: David Ellefson

Back in the KIMB era David played with his fingers (I'm a finger style player as well) and I realy enjoy playing that stuff, what brand of strings did Mr Ellefson use back then (if he played with fingers or pick) I trayed a lot of strings before and attempting to play with pick and fingers.
I found out that DRs are to heavy for finger play and Rotosound not durable enough for pick.

So would be awesome to know what brand David used to play.


W. Baeten


Hi W.B.

David used Rotosound Swing Bass sets back in those days: He eventually switched to Dean Markley and to D'Addario in the 90s and has now settled on SIT Strings Powerwound since 2010 due to the punch and clarity.


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